Integrate with Shell Script

Writing complex conditional logic in shell script is painful, and hard to maintain. That was one of the motivation I create configirl. So having configirl to manage complex multi-environment dynamic configuration, how could we reference config values in shell script?

First, let’s imaging a standard use case:

You have a shell scripts that deploying a web app to AWS. There are some aws cli commands.

  • On your local computer, basically it is called dev environment. You use an IAM User AWS_PROFILE. so in all of your aws command line, you need to pass --profile my_aws_profile arg.
  • But in your CI/CD environment (let’s say circleci), basically it is test environment, and after passing the integration test, you deploy it to prod environment. In this case, you use AWS credential from environment variable. So you don’t need to pass --profile arg.

You don’t want to maintain three different shell scripts for dev, test, prod. Ideally you only want one deployment script and works everywhere, and automatically referencing dynamic configs and perform similar deployment automation.

Here’s the solution with configirl:

  1. You can create a json config file to store non sensitive data for your local development, such as AWS_PROFILE. Please be aware of where you store it.
// content of $HOME/my-project/config/config.json
    "AWS_PROFILE": "my_aws_profile"
  1. You use configirl to declare a python file for dynamic config values.
# content of $HOME/my-project/config/
import json
from configirl import ConfigClass, Constant, Derivable

class Config(ConfigClass):
    STAGE = Constant()

    AWS_PROFILE = Derivable()

    def get_AWS_PROFILE():
        # custom runtime detection function
        if self.is_aws_ec2_amz_linux_runtime():
            return None
        # custom runtime detection function
        elif self.is_circle_ci_runtime():
            return None
        else: # local runtime
            with open("~/my-project/config/config.json", "r") as f:
                return json.loads(["AWS_PROFILE"]

    AWS_CLI_PROFILE_ARG = Derivable()

    def get_AWS_CLI_PROFILE_ARG(self):
        if self.is_aws_ec2_amz_linux_runtime():
            return ""
        elif self.is_circle_ci_runtime():
            return ""
        else: # local runtime
            return "--profile {}".format(self.AWS_PROFILE.get_value())
  1. Write you shell script tool that deploy app to specific environment. You use configirl cli to retrieve dynamic config value AWS_CLI_PROFILE_ARG. On local, it is --profile my_aws_profile. On other runtime, it is empty string. As a result, your shell scripts works everywhere and behave differently in different environment. For detailed document for cli interface, see configirl CLI.
# content of
# usage:
#   $ bash dev
#   $ bash test
#   $ bash prod

bash ./switch-env ${stage}

aws_cli_profile_arg="$(configirl import-config-value --sys_path ${HOME}/my-project/config --module config.Config --field AWS_CLI_PROFILE_ARG)"

# deployment your web app to AWS
aws cloudformation ... "${aws_cli_profile_arg}"

Now you have a utility tool easily load dynamic configuration and deploy web app to different environment as you wish.

  1. Wrap up your CI/CD automation script.
# content of
# usage:
#   $ bash

bash test # deploy to test
bash # run integration test on test environment
bash prod # deploy to production