Source code for configirl

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright 2022 Sanhe Hu <>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


This is a python config management tool to manage config parameter in
centralized place. The purpose of this tool is to avoid maintain complex
config/paramater handling logic in shell script, cloudformation, terraform
and any other devops tools. Instead, we manage that in Python.

Since Python is a full featured general programming language and it is
available on any Mac / Linux machine.

It allows different DevOps tools to easily talk to each other via JSON.

This library implemented in pure Python with no dependencies.

from __future__ import print_function

__version__ = "1.0.1"
__short_description__ = "Centralized Config Management Tool."
__license__ = "MIT"
__author__ = "Sanhe Hu"
__author_email__ = ""
__github_username__ = "MacHu-GWU"

import os
import re
import sys
import json
import copy
import string
import inspect
from collections import OrderedDict
import argparse
import importlib

if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 5:  # pragma: no cover
    import typing

[docs]def strip_comment_line_with_symbol(line, start): """ Strip comments from line string. """ parts = line.split(start) counts = [len(re.findall(r'(?:^|[^"\\]|(?:\\\\|\\")+)(")', part)) for part in parts] total = 0 for nr, count in enumerate(counts): total += count if total % 2 == 0: return start.join(parts[:nr + 1]).rstrip() else: # pragma: no cover return line.rstrip()
[docs]def strip_comments(string, comment_symbols=frozenset(('#', '//'))): """ Strip comments from json string. :param string: A string containing json with comments started by comment_symbols. :param comment_symbols: Iterable of symbols that start a line comment (default # or //). :return: The string with the comments removed. """ lines = string.splitlines() for k in range(len(lines)): for symbol in comment_symbols: lines[k] = strip_comment_line_with_symbol(lines[k], start=symbol) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs]def read_text(abspath, encoding="utf-8"): """ Read string from a file. :type abspath: str :type encoding: str :rtype: str """ with open(abspath, "rb") as f: return
[docs]def write_text(text, abspath, encoding="utf-8"): """ Write string to a file. :type text: str :type abspath: str :type encoding: str """ with open(abspath, "wb") as f: return f.write(text.encode(encoding))
[docs]def json_loads(text): """ Load data from json, ignoring comments. :rtype: dict """ return json.loads(strip_comments(text))
[docs]def json_dumps(data): """ Dump data to string. :rtype: str """ return json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=False, ensure_ascii=False)
[docs]def json_load(path): # pragma: no cover """ Load data from a json file, ignoring comments. :type path: str """ with open(path, "rb") as f: return json_loads("utf-8"))
[docs]def json_dump(data, path, overwrite=False): # pragma: no cover """ Dump data to a json file. :type data: dict :type path: str :type overwrite: bool """ if not overwrite: if os.path.exists(path): raise EnvironmentError("%s already exists!" % path) with open(path, "wb") as f: f.write(json_dumps(data).encode("utf-8"))
[docs]def add_metaclass(metaclass): # pragma: no cover """ Class decorator for creating a class with a metaclass. This method is copied from """ def wrapper(cls): orig_vars = cls.__dict__.copy() slots = orig_vars.get('__slots__') if slots is not None: if isinstance(slots, str): slots = [slots] for slots_var in slots: orig_vars.pop(slots_var) orig_vars.pop('__dict__', None) orig_vars.pop('__weakref__', None) if hasattr(cls, '__qualname__'): orig_vars['__qualname__'] = cls.__qualname__ return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, orig_vars) return wrapper
try: # python3 renamed copy_reg to copyreg import copyreg except ImportError: # pragma: no cover import copy_reg as copyreg class Sentinel(object): # pragma: no cover _existing_instances = {} def __init__(self, name): super(Sentinel, self).__init__() self._name = name self._existing_instances[self._name] = self def __repr__(self): return "<{0}>".format(self._name) def __getnewargs__(self): return (self._name,) def __new__(cls, name, obj_id=None): # obj_id is for compatibility with previous versions existing_instance = cls._existing_instances.get(name) if existing_instance is not None: return existing_instance return super(Sentinel, cls).__new__(cls) # singleton for deserialize # obj_id is for compat. with prev. versions def _sentinel_unpickler(name, obj_id=None): # pragma: no cover if name in Sentinel._existing_instances: return Sentinel._existing_instances[name] return Sentinel(name) def _sentinel_pickler(sentinel): return _sentinel_unpickler, sentinel.__getnewargs__() copyreg.pickle(Sentinel, _sentinel_pickler, _sentinel_unpickler) NOTHING = Sentinel("NOTHING") REQUIRED = Sentinel("REQUIRED") OPTIONAL = Sentinel("OPTIONAL") # --- Exception Class
[docs]class ValueNotSetError(Exception): """ Raises when trying to get value of a field that have not set value before. """ pass
[docs]class DerivableSetValueError(Exception): """ Raises when trying to set value for Derivable Field. """ pass
# --- Field Class
[docs]class Field(object): """ Base class for config value field. :type default: typing.Any :param default: default value for this field. can be a callable function. :type dont_dump: bool :param dont_dump: if true, then you can't get the value if ``check_dont_dump = True`` in :meth:`BaseConfigClass.to_dict` and :meth:`BaseConfigClass.to_json`. **this prevent from writing sensitive information to file**. :type printable: bool :param printable: if False, then it will not be displayed with print function. **this prevent from displaying sensitive information to the console**. :type cache: bool :param cache: A flag indicates that whether the cache is enabled. only available for :class:`Derivable` if True, **then it will cache computation expensive derived value**. """ _creation_index = 0 def __init__( self, default=NOTHING, dont_dump=False, printable=True, cache=False, ): # name will be update in ConfigMeta meta class. = NOTHING if callable(default): self._value = default() else: self._value = default self.dont_dump = dont_dump # type: bool self.printable = printable # type: bool self.cache = cache # type: bool # _config_object stores the Config object associated with this field self._config_object = NOTHING # type: BaseConfigClass # _creation_index used to sort declared fields self._creation_index = Field._creation_index # type: int Field._creation_index += 1 # decorator self._getter_method = NOTHING # type: callable def __repr__(self): return "{}(name={!r}, value={!r})".format(self.__class__.__name__,, self._value)
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """ An abstract method that set value to this field. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _get_value(self, **kwargs): """ An abstract method that defines get-value logic flow. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_value(self, check_dont_dump=False, check_printable=False, **kwargs): """ Returns the value for this field. :type check_dont_dump: bool :param check_dont_dump: :type check_printable: bool :param check_printable: :return: **CN Doc** 对于 Constant Field: - 如果: self.value = NOTHING, 同时 .set_value(...) 方法从来没有被调用过. - 如果: self.value 不等于 NOTHING, 说明 .set_value(...) 方法被吊用过, 则 返回 self.value 对于 Derivable Field: - 如果: self._getter_method() 没有成功 """ if self._config_object is NOTHING: raise AttributeError("Field.get_value() can't be called without " "initialized.") if check_dont_dump: if self.dont_dump: raise DontDumpError("doesn't allow to dump `{}` field".format( if check_printable: if not self.printable: return "***HIDDEN***" return self._get_value(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_value_from_env(self, prefix=""): """ Use config value stored in environment variables. This usually used for computation server that doesn't come with the config file. Since config file with sensitive information may not easy to manage. A common use case is AWS Lambda Function. :param prefix: a prefix append left to the config field name. For exmaple, if the config field is ``PROJECT_NAME``, and the prefix is ``MY_PROJECT_``, then it will read value from ``MY_PROJECT_PROJECT_NAME``. """ return os.environ[prefix +]
[docs] def get_value_for_lbd(self, prefix=""): """ Smartly decide where should read config value from. """ if self._config_object.is_aws_lambda_runtime(): # pragma: no cover return self.get_value_from_env(prefix=prefix) else: return self.get_value()
def _validate_method(self, config_object, value): return True
[docs] def validator(self, method): """ A decorator to bind validate method. :type method: callable :param method: a callable function like ``method(self, value)`` that take ``self`` as first parameters representing the config object. ``value`` as second parameters to represent the value you want to validate. """ self._validate_method = method
[docs] def validate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ An abstract method executes the validator method. """ self._validate_method(self._config_object, self.get_value())
[docs]class DontDumpError(Exception): """ Raises when trying to dump a ``dont_dump=True`` config value. """ pass
[docs]class Constant(Field): """ Constant Value Field. """
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """ Set value to this Constant field. """ self._value = value
def _get_value(self, **kwargs): """ Constant field get-value logic flow. If ``self._value`` is ``NOTHING``, it meas the .set_value(...) method never be called. Otherwise, return the ``self._value`` """ if self._value is NOTHING: raise ValueNotSetError( "{}.{} has not set a value yet!".format( self._config_object.__class__.__name__, ) ) return self._value
[docs]class Derivable(Field): """ Derivable Value Field. """
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """ Derivable field doesn't allow to set value manually! """ raise DerivableSetValueError( "{} is a Derivable field, you cannot set value to it".format( ))
[docs] def getter(self, method): """ A decorator to bind getter method. """ self._getter_method = method
def _get_value(self, **kwargs): """ Derivable field get-value logic flow. If ``self._getter_method`` is ``NOTHING``, it means the getter method is not implemented yet. If cache is enabled, try to retrieve value from existing value stored in ``self._value``. If not available, call the getter method to retrieve the value. If cache is disabled, call the getter method. """ if self._getter_method is NOTHING: raise NotImplementedError( "{}.{} getter method is not implemented, " "use @{}.getter to decorate a getter function.".format( self._config_object.__class__.__name__,, )) try: if self.cache: if self._value is NOTHING: self._value = self._getter_method(self._config_object, **kwargs) return self._value else: return self._getter_method(self._config_object, **kwargs) except ValueNotSetError as e: # dependent constant value not set yet raise ValueNotSetError( "can't get {}.{}, because: {}".format( self._config_object.__class__.__name__,, e ) ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover raise e
[docs]def is_instance_or_subclass(val, class_): """Return True if ``val`` is either a subclass or instance of ``class_``.""" try: return issubclass(val, class_) except TypeError: return isinstance(val, class_)
def _get_fields(attrs, field_class, pop=False, ordered=False): """Get fields from a class. If ordered=True, fields will sorted by creation index. :param attrs: Mapping of class attributes :param type field_class: Base field class :param bool pop: Remove matching fields """ fields = [ (field_name, field_value) for field_name, field_value in attrs.items() if is_instance_or_subclass(field_value, field_class) ] if pop: # pragma: no cover for field_name, _ in fields: del attrs[field_name] if ordered: fields.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1]._creation_index) return fields def _get_fields_by_mro(klass, field_class, ordered=False): """ Collect fields from a class, following its method resolution order. The class itself is excluded from the search; only its parents are checked. Get fields from ``_declared_fields`` if available, else use ``__dict__``. :param type klass: Class whose fields to retrieve :param type field_class: Base field class """ mro = inspect.getmro(klass) # Loop over mro in reverse to maintain correct order of fields return sum( ( _get_fields( getattr(base, "_declared_fields", base.__dict__), field_class, ordered=ordered, ) for base in mro[:0:-1] ), [], ) VALID_CHAR_SET = set(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + "_") def _validate_field_name(field_name): """ Validate config field name naming convention. Only [A-Z0-9_] is allowed. lowercase is not allowed. """ if len(set(field_name).difference(VALID_CHAR_SET)): msg = "'{}' is not a valid field name, only [A-Z0-9_] is allowed!" \ .format(field_name) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class ConfigMeta(type): """ Config class meta class. Collect declared :class:`Field`, assign field name. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): cls_fields = _get_fields(attrs, Field, pop=False, ordered=True) klass = super(ConfigMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) inherited_fields = _get_fields_by_mro(klass, Field, ordered=True) # Assign _declared_fields on class klass._declared_fields = OrderedDict(inherited_fields + cls_fields) klass._constant_fields = OrderedDict([ (name, field) for name, field in klass._declared_fields.items() if isinstance(field, Constant) ]) klass._derivable_fields = OrderedDict([ (name, field) for name, field in klass._declared_fields.items() if isinstance(field, Derivable) ]) for name, field in klass._declared_fields.items(): _validate_field_name(name) = name return klass
[docs]class BaseConfigClass(object): """ Config class base class. - :attr:`BaseConfigClass._declared_fields`: - :attr:`BaseConfigClass._constant_fields`: - :attr:`BaseConfigClass._deriable_fields`: """ _declared_fields = OrderedDict() # type: typing.Dict[str: Field] _constant_fields = OrderedDict() # type: typing.Dict[str: Constant] _deriable_fields = OrderedDict() # type: typing.Dict[str: Derivable] # --- constructor method def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__pre_init_hook() for name, field in self._declared_fields.items(): if name in kwargs: field.set_value(kwargs[name]) field._config_object = self def __pre_init_hook(self): """ All declared fields is a mutable :class:`Field` Instance, defined in Class level. So when you creating a new instance, the class level fields have to be deep copied to the config instance. """ self._declared_fields = OrderedDict([ (attr, copy.deepcopy(field)) for attr, field in self._declared_fields.items() ]) self._constant_fields = OrderedDict([ (attr, self._declared_fields[attr]) for attr, _ in self._constant_fields.items() ]) self._deriable_fields = OrderedDict([ (attr, self._declared_fields[attr]) for attr, _ in self._deriable_fields.items() ]) for attr, field in self._declared_fields.items(): setattr(self, attr, field)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dct): """ A factory classmethod construct config object from dict. Only loads constant field. If a key is an undefined field, it automatically been ignored. :type dct: dict :rtype: BaseConfigClass """ cfg = cls() for key, value in dct.items(): if key in cfg._constant_fields: cfg._constant_fields[key].set_value(value) return cfg
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_str(cls, json_str): # pragma: no cover """ A factory classmethod construct config object from json string. json string can includes comments. Only loads constant field. If a key is an undefined field, it automatically been ignored. :type json_str: str :rtype: BaseConfigClass """ return cls.from_dict(json_loads(json_str))
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_file(cls, json_file): # pragma: no cover """ A factory classmethod construct config object from a json file. json string can includes comments. Only loads constant field. If a key is an undefined field, it automatically been ignored. :type json_file: str :rtype: BaseConfigClass """ return cls.from_dict(json_load(json_file))
[docs] @classmethod def from_env_var(cls, prefix): # pragma: no cover """ A factory classmethod construct config object from environment variables. Only loads constant field. If a key is an undefined field, it automatically been ignored. :type json_file: str :rtype: BaseConfigClass """ cfg = cls() cfg.update_from_env_var(prefix=prefix) return cfg
[docs] def update(self, dct): """ Update constant config values from a dictionary. Only those fields defines as Constant value will be loaded. If a key is an undefined field, it automatically been ignored. :type dct: dict :rtype: dict :return: loaded data """ loaded_data = dict() for key, value in dct.items(): if key in self._constant_fields: self._constant_fields[key].set_value(value) loaded_data[key] = value return loaded_data
[docs] def update_from_raw_json_file(self): """ Update constant config values from the :attr:`BaseConfigClass.CONFIG_RAW_JSON_FILE`. :rtype: dict :return: loaded data """ dct = json_load(self.CONFIG_RAW_JSON_FILE) return self.update(dct)
[docs] def update_from_env_var(self, prefix): """ Update constant config values from environment variables. :type prefix: str :param prefix: a prefix used in all related environment variable. :rtype: dict :return: loaded data """ dct = { key.replace(prefix, "", 1): value for key, value in os.environ.items() if key.replace(prefix, "", 1) } self.update(dct) return dct
[docs] def to_dict( self, check_dont_dump=True, check_printable=False, ignore_na=False, prefix="", ): """ Dump config values to dictionary. :type check_dont_dump: bool :param check_dont_dump: if True, then it will check if a field has a True value ``dont_dump`` flag, then :class:`DontDumpError` error is raised. :type check_printable: bool :param check_printable: if True, then it will check if a field has a False value ``printable`` flag, then it returns **HIDDEN**. :type ignore_na: bool :param ignore_na: if True, then :class:`ValueNotSetError` error will be ignored. :type prefix: str :param prefix: a prefix that appended to the left of every field :rtype: dict """ dct = OrderedDict() for attr, value in self._declared_fields.items(): key = prefix + attr try: dct[key] = value.get_value( check_dont_dump=check_dont_dump, check_printable=check_printable, ) except DontDumpError: pass except ValueNotSetError as e: if ignore_na: pass else: raise e except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover raise e return dct
[docs] def to_json( self, check_dont_dump=True, check_printable=False, ignore_na=False, prefix="", ): """ Dump config values to json. :type check_dont_dump: bool :param check_dont_dump: if True, then it will check if a field has a True value ``dont_dump`` flag, then :class:`DontDumpError` error is raised. :type check_printable: bool :param check_printable: if True, then it will check if a field has a False value ``printable`` flag, then it returns **HIDDEN**. :type ignore_na: bool :param ignore_na: if True, then :class:`ValueNotSetError` error will be ignored. :type prefix: str :param prefix: a prefix that appended to the left of every field :rtype: str """ return json.dumps( self.to_dict( check_dont_dump=check_dont_dump, check_printable=check_printable, ignore_na=ignore_na, prefix=prefix, ), indent=4, sort_keys=False, )
def __repr__(self): return "Config({})".format( self.to_json(check_dont_dump=False, check_printable=True) ) def pprint(self): # pragma: no cover print(self.__repr__()) def validate(self): for field in self._declared_fields.values(): field.validate() # --- Runtime Detection ---
[docs] @classmethod def is_aws_ec2_amz_linux_runtime(cls): # pragma: no cover """ Check whether it is Amazon Linux EC2 runtime. :rtype: bool """ if os.environ.get("HOME", "").endswith("ec2-user"): return True else: return False
[docs] @classmethod def is_aws_ec2_redhat_runtime(cls): # pragma: no cover """ Check whether it is RedHat AWS EC2 runtime. :rtype: bool """ if os.environ.get("HOME", "").endswith("ec2-user"): return True else: return False
[docs] @classmethod def is_aws_ec2_freebsd_runtime(cls): # pragma: no cover """ Check whether it is FreeBSD AWS EC2 runtime. :rtype: bool """ if os.environ.get("HOME", "").endswith("ec2-user"): return True else: return False
[docs] @classmethod def is_aws_lambda_runtime(cls): # pragma: no cover """ Check whether it is Amazon Lambda Function runtime. Ref: :rtype: bool """ if "AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME" in os.environ: return True else: return False
[docs] @classmethod def is_aws_code_build_runtime(cls): # pragma: no cover """ Check whether it is AWS Code Build runtime. Ref: :rtype: bool """ if "CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID" in os.environ: return True else: return False
# CI
[docs] @classmethod def is_ci_runtime(cls): # pragma: no cover """ Check whether it is CI runtime. :rtype: bool """ if "CI" in os.environ: if os.environ["CI"]: return True else: return False else: return False
[docs] @classmethod def is_circle_ci_runtime(cls): # pragma: no cover """ Check whether it is CircleCI runtime. Ref: :rtype: bool """ if "CIRCLECI" in os.environ: if os.environ["CIRCLECI"]: return True else: return False else: return False
[docs] @classmethod def is_travis_ci_runtime(cls): # pragma: no cover """ Check whether it is TravisCI runtime. Ref: :rtype: bool """ if "TRAVIS" in os.environ: if os.environ["TRAVIS"]: return True else: return False else: return False
[docs] @classmethod def is_gitlab_ci_runtime(cls): # pragma: no cover """ Check whether it is Gitlab CI runtime. Ref: :rtype: bool """ if "GITLAB_CI" in os.environ: if os.environ["GITLAB_CI"]: return True else: return False else: return False
@add_metaclass def is_github_ci_runtime(self): # pragma: no cover """ Check whether it is GitHub Action CI runtime. Ref: :rtype: bool """ if "GITHUB_ACTION" in os.environ: if os.environ["GITHUB_ACTION"]: return True else: return False else: return False # --- config file path management CONFIG_DIR = NOTHING # type: str def _join_config_dir(self, filename): if self.CONFIG_DIR is NOTHING: raise ValueError("You have to specify `{}.CONFIG_DIR`!".format( self.__class__.__name__)) if not os.path.exists(self.CONFIG_DIR): raise ValueError("`{}.CONFIG_DIR` ('{}') doesn't exist!".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.CONFIG_DIR)) return os.path.join(self.CONFIG_DIR, filename) @property def CONFIG_RAW_JSON_FILE(self): return self._join_config_dir("config-raw.json") @property def CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_PYTHON(self): return self._join_config_dir("config-final-for-python.json") @property def CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_SHELL_SCRIPT(self): return self._join_config_dir("config-final-for-shell-script.json") @property def CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_CLOUDFORMATION(self): return self._join_config_dir("config-final-for-cloudformation.json") @property def CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_SAM(self): return self._join_config_dir("config-final-for-sam.json") @property def CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_SERVERLESS(self): return self._join_config_dir("config-final-for-serverless.json") @property def CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_AWS_CHALICE(self): return self._join_config_dir("config-final-for-chalice.json") @property def CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_TERRAFORM(self): return self._join_config_dir("config-final-for-terraform.json") # --- Custom logic for different devops tools def to_python_json_config_data(self): return self.to_dict() def to_shell_script_config_data(self): return self.to_dict() def to_cloudformation_config_data(self): def to_big_camel_case(text): return "".join([ word[0].upper() + word[1:].lower() for word in text.split("_") ]) return OrderedDict([ (to_big_camel_case(key), value) for key, value in self.to_dict().items() ]) def to_sam_config_data(self): return self.to_dict() def to_serverless_config_data(self): return self.to_dict() def to_aws_chalice_config_data(self): return self.to_dict() def to_terraform_config_data(self): return self.to_dict() def _dump_for_xyz_config_file( self, to_config_data_meth, config_json_file_path, ): """ :type to_config_data_meth: callable :type config_json_file_path: str """ json_str = json_dumps(to_config_data_meth()) write_text(json_str, config_json_file_path) def dump_python_json_config_file(self): self._dump_for_xyz_config_file( self.to_python_json_config_data, self.CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_PYTHON, ) def dump_shell_script_json_config_file(self): self._dump_for_xyz_config_file( self.to_shell_script_config_data, self.CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_SHELL_SCRIPT, ) def dump_cloudformation_json_config_file(self): self._dump_for_xyz_config_file( self.to_cloudformation_config_data, self.CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_CLOUDFORMATION, ) def dump_sam_json_config_file(self): self._dump_for_xyz_config_file( self.to_sam_config_data, self.CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_SAM, ) def dump_serverless_json_config_file(self): self._dump_for_xyz_config_file( self.to_serverless_config_data, self.CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_SERVERLESS, ) def dump_aws_chalice_json_config_file(self): self._dump_for_xyz_config_file( self.to_aws_chalice_config_data, self.CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_AWS_CHALICE, ) def dump_terraform_json_config_file(self): self._dump_for_xyz_config_file( self.to_terraform_config_data, self.CONFIG_FINAL_JSON_FILE_FOR_TERRAFORM, )
[docs]@add_metaclass(ConfigMeta) class ConfigClass(BaseConfigClass): pass
# --- Command Line Interface --- class SubCommands: read_json_value = "read-json-value" get_config_value = "get-config-value" import_config_value = "import-config-value"
[docs]def read_json_value(path, field): """ Return a value of a field from a Json file, ignoring the comments :type path: str :type field: str """ # find absolute path cwd = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isabs(path): file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, path)) else: file_path = path # fix json_path json_path = field if json_path.startswith("$."): json_path = json_path.replace("$.", "", 1) # read data with open(file_path, "rb") as f: data = json.loads(strip_comments("utf-8"))) # access value value = data for part in json_path.split("."): if part in value: value = value[part] else: raise ValueError("'$.{}' not found in {}".format(json_path, file_path)) return value
[docs]def get_config_value(module, field): """ Initialize a Config Class defined in a python module, and get the value of a field. The module has to be able to be import. :type path: str :type field: str """ chunks = module.split(".") module_object = importlib.import_module(".".join(chunks[:-1])) klass = getattr(module_object, chunks[-1]) cfg_obj = klass() attribute = getattr(cfg_obj, field) if isinstance(attribute, Field): return attribute.get_value() elif callable(attribute): return attribute() else: return attribute
[docs]def import_config_value(sys_path, module, field): """ Initialize a Config Class defined in a python module, and get the value of a field. The module has to be able to be import when arg ``sys_path`` been add to sys.path. :type sys_path: str :type module: str :type field: str """ if sys_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(sys_path) return get_config_value(module, field)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="configirl", ) subparser = parser.add_subparsers( title="sub commands", dest="sub_command", ) read_json_value_parser = subparser.add_parser( SubCommands.read_json_value, description=( "read config value from a json file." ), ) read_json_value_parser.add_argument( "--path", type=str, metavar="path", nargs=1, help="The json file path", required=True, ) read_json_value_parser.add_argument( "--field", type=str, metavar="field_name", nargs=1, help="The value of json field you want to access. For example: STAGE", required=True, ) get_config_value_parser = subparser.add_parser( SubCommands.get_config_value, description=( "get config value by importing a Config object from a python module, " "and initializing a config object, " "and then call ``Config().FIELD_NAME.get_value()`` method." ), ) get_config_value_parser.add_argument( "--module", type=str, metavar="module_name", nargs=1, help=( "The path you want to add to ``sys.path`` that allows python to find your module. " "For example: path-to/configirl-project" ), required=True, ) get_config_value_parser.add_argument( "--field", type=str, metavar="field_name", nargs=1, help=( "The value of config field you want to access. " "For example: ENVIRONMENT_NAME" ), required=True, ) import_config_value_parser = subparser.add_parser( SubCommands.import_config_value, description=( "import config value by importing a Config object from a python module, " "where locate at custom system path, " "and initializing a config object, " "and then call ``Config().FIELD_NAME.get_value()`` method." ), ) import_config_value_parser.add_argument( "--sys_path", type=str, metavar="sys_path", nargs=1, help=( "The path you want to add to ``sys.path`` that allows python to find your module. " "For example: path-to/configirl-project" ), required=True, ) import_config_value_parser.add_argument( "--module", type=str, metavar="module_name", nargs=1, help=( "The config class module name. " "For example: configirl.tests.config.Config" ), required=True, ) import_config_value_parser.add_argument( "--field", type=str, metavar="field_name", nargs=1, help=( "The value of config field you want to access. " "For example: ENVIRONMENT_NAME" ), required=True, )
[docs]def main(): # pragma: no cover """ Command Line Interface entry point. """ args = parser.parse_args() if args.sub_command == SubCommands.read_json_value: print(read_json_value(path=args.path[0], field=args.field[0])) elif args.sub_command == SubCommands.get_config_value: print(get_config_value(module=args.module[0], field=args.field[0])) elif args.sub_command == SubCommands.import_config_value: print(import_config_value(sys_path=args.sys_path[0], module=args.module[0], field=args.field[0])) else: raise NotImplementedError